Sunday, November 7, 2010

Beer, Bourbon, BBQ, oh my!

This Saturday, Matt & I hit up the Beer, Bourbon & BBQ festival at the Nashville Municipal Auditorium. It was a great event that brought in thousands of Nashvillians for bluegrass music, unlimited drinks, and a lot of excuses to say "life is good."

But before I get to the festival fun, I'll highlight a few random events from the week. First, I found the worlds greatest deal at none other than Wallyworld. This dress was only ONE DOLLAR. I couldn't pass it up. (And yes, I am standing in the universally flattering sororitypose. go ahead-judge me.)
so its a little short...keep in mind...ONE DOLLAR. whatasteal.

At work this week, Matt had to be the "victim" in a lifeguard drill. That meant lots of time floating in water, and lots of water stuck in his ear:( poor little fella! His ear was killing him all weekend.

I got to spend a lot of time with Katy, including a trip up to Murfreesboro on my day off work, and some time at the apartment where we distracted each other from studying/doing anything productive.

this is very much "us."

Me and Matt did some shopping & went on an ice cream date! (Okay, I went shopping, and bought him ice cream for coming along.) It sounded better the other way.

Can't go wrong with chocolate! Matt got their pumpkin pie flavor.

Someone broke into Mattboo's house :( Or tried to at least. The alarm system scared the intruder away after he broke a window.

I went through 2 enterprise rent-a-cars. I am having my car fixed for a minor fender bender that took place in Matt's driveway, whoops, so I am driving rentals until it's fixed. I was first given a Ford Escape, which was way too big for my liking. So I traded it in for a Dodge Charger which drove wonderfully. When trying to return the first car, TomTom took me all over the world en route to Enterprise. It turns out Enterprise has moved since Tom was updated. So, naturally I followed this enterprise truck to a gas station and asked for directions. Creepy much? Okay, that about covers the random details of the week, so now on to the festival. Matt & I scored some half-priced VIP tickets on Groupon a couple weeks before the event. I LOVE a good deal.

Apparently we weren't the only ones. The "Groupon Tix" line was pretty long when we got there. Luckily, the event was well organized and the line moved pretty quickly.

We made some the Mike's Hard Lemonade line! Real men drink Mike's. Or
at least that's what they kept telling themselves :)
he loves me...i think.
Before the event, we browsed the website to see what to expect. The website told us that there would be a Maxim "Hometown Hottie" finalist available for pictures from 1-3, along with a guy from "The Deadliest Catch." We joked all the way over about how Matt would have to fight the model off, and how I would get even by seducing the winner of the "Beer Belly Contest." When we actually got there, Matt dropped the tough guy act and got nervous about going to ask for a pic. I ended up asking her to take one with him. Then she told us we should buy her calendar- that it would be great for a Christmas present.... I object.
In an effort to make conversation, I asked if the deadliest catch guy had heard of "Her family fishes in Alaska, too!" He looked at me as if I had three heads. Sometimes I wonder if I do.
"Now we have to take a tough picture," he says.
We got to watch a demonstration in the "Tasting Theater." The author of the "Kentucky Bourbon Cookbook" did a demonstration on how to make a chicken dish marinated in Bourbon.

Needing a refill while he talked.
Our sample of the dish he made. I think it was maybe called "chicken kentuckiana?" It was pretty good. Nothing too impressive, but we never say no to free food. ever.
The event had lots of booths to sign up for giveaways and to advertise kentucky/bourbon/beer-related merchandise. The Kentucky Horse Association (I think) was handing out these blue horse stickers. They caught on like crazy, and people started sticking them on their shirts. Being the followers that we are, me and matt stuck 'em on too.

So conscientious.

Ready for a nap.
But first things first, TACO BELL.

Back home, wearing our new t-shirts & ready for a nap!
We had a great time at the festival & would definitely recommend it. A couple of pointers after going this year....
1)pack your own bottled water, snacks, & any mixer you might want. Straight bourbon is a little intense, especially when the samples keep coming. You are charged for soda, water, and any food at the event. They don't check your purses, so you could save some serious money by bringing your own snacks and non-alcoholic drinks!
2) definitely invest in the VIP tickets. They get you in two hours earlier meaning a lot less congestion, and shorter lines!
3) wear comfortable shoes! You do a lot of walking and standing.

I guess that's all for now. Happy Sunday!!

1 comment:

  1. <3 the dress!!! for real. no joke. im really sad i dont have one. ugh
